Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sleep Siesta Spanish tradition is threatened

Spain / a sleep Siesta tradition such as Spain or flamenco dance BULLFIGHT but they are in danger at the present time. Studies show that the pressures of modern life and work environment where competition adversely affect the Siesta period to the extent that only a quarter of Spaniards find time for Power nap in the afternoon. Two of the committee including members of the government and representatives of the private sector in recent proposal to make Spain the rate of working hours, such as the rate of working hours in the rest of the European countries. However, it is looked at the Siesta as the relaxation and laziness are not right, where, according to experts, that Siesta already helping to raise productivity in the workplace. He claims they are the first of the Spaniards began the tradition sleep Siesta where shops closed doors between two o'clock and five thirty in the afternoon, the streets seem deserted villages especially in the summer Spanish severe heat. Spaniards can be seen lying on the long seats in the streets or in parked cars while others take Siesta before television and the others go to bed to enjoy a period of Siesta integrated. On the other side describes some economic experts such behaviour, which really can not forgive him, which prompted many shops not to close down before the end of working hours in the eight p.m. rate after working hours at the end of the other European countries in the five o'clock or six o'clock. The independent commission aimed at reducing the duration of working hours in Spain that the time has come for the Spaniards to follow the example of other Europeans in this regard. The Commission says that such a measure would lead to higher productivity that some people feared that the Spaniards used to extend this period Siesta longer than necessary. Studies indicate that the Spaniards already sleeping periods of less than other Europeans about 40 minutes. Away from those who looked at the Siesta as an indicator of laziness more attention by international experts as a means to revive the health and productivity. The first generation of humans in Africa feel fatigue times era warm So researchers argue that man so far has not been able to adapt to the times more heat per day. As some links between the state of inactivity following the process of food digestion of food. It is well known that lack of sleep affects negatively on the ability to speak, focus and memory retrieval. A study conducted by Harvard University that unites the brain during sleep experiments lived rights in vigilance. Indeed, many of the incidents occurring during the day, speaking during the Siesta may lead comfort object prolonging the lives of people living with the problems in the heart. Day after day, the business world is aware that circumvent the need for the relief of the body by drinking stimulants such as coffee and tea will not be useless and futile forced some American companies to provide employees with seats long they can lie down for sleep Siesta. According to the study conducted by Harvard to sleep for periods of a few afternoon raise the degree of activity and increases the productivity of the individual. Experts say that the Siesta may be an ideal solution for a few periods of sleep in industrialized societies. The experts say that the Spanish Siesta with that include sleep for a specified period not exceeding twenty minutes because sleep for a longer period makes people feel tired also affect the number of hours of sleep at night .. core Source:

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