Wednesday, April 23, 2008

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Esta pagina esta dedicada al Futbol y en especial a los hinchas de Barcelona en el exterior. Si esta pagina no

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Shopping For Authentic NASCAR Memorabilia

The rush of seeing those cars go round and round at almost 200 MPH...the excitement of engines roaring and cars pulling into pitstops, vying for the front must be NASCAR! There’s good news for all you die-hard NASCAR fans. If you want to get your hands on some great memorabilia, you don’t have to go very far. You can find terrific mementos all over the place. Autographs, clothing, decals—whatever your heart’s desire, it’s out there. You just have to know where to look.
My first suggestion is to search the World Wide Web. With over 30 billion web pages available, many of them are just for NASCAR admirers like yourself. Auction sites like eBay or Yahoo Auctions are a good place to start. eBay, for example, had 329 items found for NASCAR collectibles (in April 2008). Bear in mind that when searching for anything on eBay, you may have to try various search phrases to maximize results. You’ll want to search for the words “NASCAR”, “racing” and “auto racing” to describe the sport. For the collectibles, try words like “memorabilia”, “antiques”, “collectibles”, “old”, or “historic”. It takes some time, but it’s worth it. And of course, don’t just limit yourself to eBay and Yahoo. There are plenty of online sites (including who sell items you’d be interested in. Try Googling the same search words if eBay doesn’t turn up anything you’d be attracted to.
Next, try searching trading posts, newspapers, and garage sales. They might seem like a long shot, but folks still use these outlets to sell NASCAR memorabilia. Then consider shopping at local antique stores and/or memorabilia shops. They display all kinds of collectibles—some brand new, and some used.
A good way to get NASCAR memorabilia is by going to an actual race. Granted, when you think of memorabilia, you think of something nostalgic. Most people don’t think of items you buy at a race as a collector’s item. But think of this—the merchandise of today is the memorabilia of tomorrow. So the next time you go to the race, be sure to purchase something. Ten or twenty years down the road, you may have a very valuable item, especially if it’s a memorable race!
There’s one thing to be aware of when buying collectibles (whether it’s NASCAR or anything else). Anybody can claim that an item is a collectible. That, of course, doesn’t necessarily make it so. Be sure your item has a certificate of authenticity and a return policy that’s acceptable to you. With online purchases
, you also have to worry about websites wanting to infect your computer with spyware or fake sites stealing your identity. So go out and have fun searching for cool stuff...just be smart about it.
Free Articles from
Matt D Murren owns and operates Nascar Memorabilia

New System Tracks Down Hard to Find Rodent Entry Points

Keeping your property free of rats and mice is a perpetual problem for home and property owners। New York City recently put noted rodentologist Bobby Corrigan on the payroll fulltime to combat its burgeoning rat problem. Heading a beefed-up squad of special inspectors known as the “Rat Pack,” Corrigan and his crew are patrolling the city to root out rodent infestations, visiting as many as 200 buildings a day. If cited, property owners have two weeks to evict the varmints or face a fine.
Eviction is rarely easy. Widespread and abundant, rats and mice are considered the second and third most successful mammalian species inhabiting Earth today. Only humans have proved more adaptable. Spread throughout the world by early seafarers, rats and mice are found on all Earth’s continents, exhibiting an amazing ability to adapt to extreme and harsh climate conditions. Rodents thrive in diverse environments from swampy river banks and city sewers to the upper branches of trees and the top floors of high-rise buildings. Opportunistic survivors that live with and near humans, Corrigan calls rats “a barometer for human activity.”
Rats and mice have long been a problem in large metropolitan areas where food sources and hiding places abound. The low shrubbery, parked cars, construction sites, abandoned buildings, tunnels and sewers common in cities provide ideal cover and harborage. Overflowing dumpsters, trash bags stacked along sidewalks and lunch bags tossed in sidewalk garbage cans provide a never-ending food source. But mice and rats are not relegated to cities. As natural habitats in fields, woods and rivers have given way to development, rodents increasingly seek harborage in suburban homes and multi-family dwellings. A recent History channel special, Life After People, postulated that without man’s refuse to feed on, rats and mice would be among the first animals to perish should man become extinct.
The challenge in keeping rodents out of a building is to find and seal off entry points. It’s narrow skull and flexible body allows rodents to creep into homes through small cracks, holes and crevices and along sewer and pipe outlets. It’s said that if a mouse can fit his nose in a hole, he can squirm his body through it. Adept climbers, they use their long tails for balance. While mice are quite small, often only an inch or two in length and weighing less than an ounce, rats grow to 5 or more inches in size and can weigh a pound or more.
Primarily nocturnal, rats and mice build nests of sticks and leaves or nest in burrows. They live in polygynous groups of multiple males and females, the females breeding throughout the year. A mature female can produce up to five litters a year of 6 to 12 pups. Young rodents reach maturity quickly and are capable of reproducing by 3 to 5 months of age. In the wild rodents generally live 6 months to a year but have been known to live up to four years in captivity.
Aggressive in defending their territory, rodents exhibit many destructive behaviors that create problems for home and property owners. They contaminate food sources with their urine and feces, gnaw through baseboards and walls, destroy farm and garden crops and fruit trees, and spread internal parasites and mites that can infect pets and humans. Rat fleas carry a number of diseases than pose a serious danger to humans, pets and livestock.
In the Middle Ages, the Black Plague (also called the Black Death), carried and spread by the rat flea, decimated human populations worldwide killing more than 20 million. Bubonic plague spread by rats killed tens of millions during the 19th century Asian pandemic. Each year approximately 3,000 cases of bubonic plague are reported worldwide in Asia, Africa, the U.S. and South America. Scientists fear that global warming may increase the incidence of plaque which favors warmer climates. In 2006, campgrounds were closed for three weeks in NaturalBridgesNational Monument in Utah when bubonic plague was detected in field mice and chipmunks. Rats and mice can also spread disease through parasites and feces. In the early 1990s, a deadly outbreak of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in New Mexico was linked to breathing the dust of mouse feces. Characterized by hemorrhagic fever and renal failure, a disturbing number of cases of the untreatable hantavirus have been reported each year in the U.S.
The typical rodent elimination arsenal includes snap traps, rodenticides and mechanical traps. Though these products may be effective in killing rodents, they do not stop rodents from continuing to infiltrate a building. To effectively eliminate rodent problems, all points of ingress must be fully sealed. Now a revolutionary new “green” system helps home and property owners locate ingress and egress points, allowing rodents to be trapped and removed, nests to be located and destroyed, and entry points to be effectively sealed. The innovative Track & Trap rodent control system, available in both mouse and rat sizes, is the smart, “green” way to take care of rodent problems.
The Track & Trap system features a special tracking box that is loaded with a food attractant, surrounded by a powdered, environmentally-friendly fluorescent chemical. As mice or rats scurry around the food trough, their feet and bodies become dusted with fluorescent powder. Ultraviolet light sensors allow pest control experts to pinpoint ingress points and even follow rodents back to their indoor dens. This allows traps to be targeted effectively, rodents and nests inside the building to be eliminated
, and entry points to be permanently sealed to prevent further rodent problems.
Free Articles from
Douglas Stern is the managing partner of Stern Environmental Group and a bed bug extermination expert. His firm serves commercial and residential clients in New Jersey, New York City, New York, and Connecticut. His firm is located at 100 Plaza Drive in Secaucus, New Jersey. You can reach him toll free at 1-888-887-8376 or by email at
. Please visit us on the Web at

How to Sell Successfully in a Recession

Downward trends are indeed a stressful time posing numerous challenges, yet they do indeed present many opportunities। What is there to do when you are a salesperson needing to make a living in such a mess?
The debate is on whether we actually are in or still approaching a recessionary period. If you have been paying attention to the newspapers and television news, then you know that our economy is in a tailspin. The media-painted news is bleak as each new day reveals an additional economic issue. It seems that both consumer confidence and spending are down, mortgage foreclosures are up, savings are down, the unemployment rate is up and consumer prices of just about everything are rising. What is there to do when you are a salesperson needing to make a living in such a mess?
Downward trends are indeed a stressful time posing numerous challenges, yet they do indeed present many opportunities. You might ask a certain real estate agent how his business is; he responds saying it is the worst market he has seen in years and does not know what to do. Ask another and she might tell you that she is excited and it is the best market opportunity that she has seen in years. It is truly a matter for one's perspective. For those clients who are financially able, now is an outstanding time to acquire property at a huge discount. She chooses to focus on those clients looking for bargains. The other agent already gave up, saying "woe is me."
I am not at all suggesting that the current economic scenario is that simple to overcome in all markets. There is no single answer to all these complex issues, yet there is a single superb approach. The keys here are "current scenario" and "downward trends." There will always be hills and valleys in every economic cycle. The tide will certainly turn at some point and a general wellspring of opportunity will spread over the marketplace. But for now, we must adapt to the current conditions.
What can you do now to help ensure your income stability and peace of mind?
1 Re-train. Become the local expert in your field. Learn more about the other products you have in your arsenal.
2. Study new markets that provide somewhat consistent opportunities for growth such as food production, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, utilities, laboratories, safety and ergonomics, etc...
3. Make more of an effort to brand yourself. Establish yourself as a valued expert. Focus and specialize.
4. Market yourself: Publish a blog, provide a regular newsletter, write articles, and utilize email marketing to better stay in touch with clients.
5. Believe in yourself and the unique value that you bring to the selling table.
Forget about being a generalist and become a specialist. Focus on one particularly profitable niche in your industry and become the "go-to" person in your marketplace. We all have a unique product line or service that offers greater value and superior profit margins. Learn all you can about them. Establish your expertise and publicize it well. Get the word out. Be confident of the value that you offer.
I recently utilized this strategy at a local Tier 1 automotive supplier by seizing an opportunity to help them with a unique problem. They were impressed by my response and ability to remedy their situation. I asked about similar areas of their plant and the opportunity to address their issues before they became problems. They liked my pro-active approach and allowed me to proceed. That success soon generated others. In fact, their plant manager sent me an email this past week asking me to meet with him to discuss multiple opportunities for our products and services in their plant.
That company has quickly become a major account. I have been successfully designated their "go-to guy." We have demonstrated our capabilities and proven our ability and expertise. Interestingly, I started working with this account a mere six months ago. I have a goal to develop five more similar accounts over the next six months. Each one is already identified and a strategy has been implemented.
There are great opportunities; plenty of them
, regardless of the state of the economy. Do not give in to the negativity presented by the media. Focus on your core strengths and decide which clients need your expertise. Select prospective companies that are in a strong financial position to weather this downturn and get busy. Be assertive. Become their "go-to" person and don't ever look back.
Source: Free Articles from
Daniel Sitter, author of both Learning For Profit and Superior Selling Skills Mastery, has garnered extensive experience in sales, training, marketing and personal development spanning a successful 25 year sales career. Experience his blog at

Frog breathe without lungs ... Raise the curiosity of scientists

The world can be found in Indonesia to a new faction of frogs unable to breathe without lungs may turn the concept of the evolution of animal upside down. And discovered the frog in August 2007 on the island of Borneo. The world David Beckford, told Agence France Presse that the autopsy revealed frog it is able to breathe through the pores of the skin. The types of frogs breathe partially through pores but this frog which is dubbed Barbourula Kalimntanensis is the first that has evolved through the abandonment of the lungs to breathe. Pickford said that all concepts of evolution turns upside down, which indicates that these animals developed lungs and has moved from the water to live in the open air. The expert from the National University of Singapore frog, which they turned traditional norms gained through millions of years of evolution. It appears that the frog lost lungs over the years to cope with the cold and rapid currents in the rivers of Borneo forest. Pickford said that the cold water containing greater amounts of oxygen. He added that the frog Borneo as a distinctive form completely flat. And discovered dozens of animal and plant species annually in Borneo, one of the regions of the world, known for their vital .. Source:

Birds suffer as rights of the housing crisis

Turning the housing crisis of Rights to birds because of the high temperature of the earth caused by the greenhouse effect. The pay high temperature migratory birds to date trip migration from Africa to Europe from 15 to 20 days to find these birds in Europe and the arrival of all trees occasion of the founding of marital nesting birds busy with local European mating season and laying the eggs. A Claude Vegnih Professor of birds crossing Thich region Arkachun French on the housing crisis has become a chronic problem for more than 263 species of migratory birds, which find all the nests left with the arrival of winter has been filled with local birds and eggs and chicks of fierce battles erupted between the two sides always ends the occupation of the strongest back to the death of the weaker or fleeing in search of shelter elsewhere. He said Professor Claude Vegnih nests crisis that threatens many kinds of birds in danger of extinction refrain certain types of migratory birds from mating because of the failure to find adequate housing because of the nests being flooded local birds in the mating. Professor Vegnih estimated number of threatened bird species because of the early migratory birds come to Europe with the approaching summer season by about 15 species in the number of endangered migratory birds retreat prepared by the housing crisis on trees more than 150 species .. Source:

Sleep Siesta Spanish tradition is threatened

Spain / a sleep Siesta tradition such as Spain or flamenco dance BULLFIGHT but they are in danger at the present time. Studies show that the pressures of modern life and work environment where competition adversely affect the Siesta period to the extent that only a quarter of Spaniards find time for Power nap in the afternoon. Two of the committee including members of the government and representatives of the private sector in recent proposal to make Spain the rate of working hours, such as the rate of working hours in the rest of the European countries. However, it is looked at the Siesta as the relaxation and laziness are not right, where, according to experts, that Siesta already helping to raise productivity in the workplace. He claims they are the first of the Spaniards began the tradition sleep Siesta where shops closed doors between two o'clock and five thirty in the afternoon, the streets seem deserted villages especially in the summer Spanish severe heat. Spaniards can be seen lying on the long seats in the streets or in parked cars while others take Siesta before television and the others go to bed to enjoy a period of Siesta integrated. On the other side describes some economic experts such behaviour, which really can not forgive him, which prompted many shops not to close down before the end of working hours in the eight p.m. rate after working hours at the end of the other European countries in the five o'clock or six o'clock. The independent commission aimed at reducing the duration of working hours in Spain that the time has come for the Spaniards to follow the example of other Europeans in this regard. The Commission says that such a measure would lead to higher productivity that some people feared that the Spaniards used to extend this period Siesta longer than necessary. Studies indicate that the Spaniards already sleeping periods of less than other Europeans about 40 minutes. Away from those who looked at the Siesta as an indicator of laziness more attention by international experts as a means to revive the health and productivity. The first generation of humans in Africa feel fatigue times era warm So researchers argue that man so far has not been able to adapt to the times more heat per day. As some links between the state of inactivity following the process of food digestion of food. It is well known that lack of sleep affects negatively on the ability to speak, focus and memory retrieval. A study conducted by Harvard University that unites the brain during sleep experiments lived rights in vigilance. Indeed, many of the incidents occurring during the day, speaking during the Siesta may lead comfort object prolonging the lives of people living with the problems in the heart. Day after day, the business world is aware that circumvent the need for the relief of the body by drinking stimulants such as coffee and tea will not be useless and futile forced some American companies to provide employees with seats long they can lie down for sleep Siesta. According to the study conducted by Harvard to sleep for periods of a few afternoon raise the degree of activity and increases the productivity of the individual. Experts say that the Siesta may be an ideal solution for a few periods of sleep in industrialized societies. The experts say that the Spanish Siesta with that include sleep for a specified period not exceeding twenty minutes because sleep for a longer period makes people feel tired also affect the number of hours of sleep at night .. core Source:

Deaths rare gray whale weighing 9 tons off Dubai

Workers found at the port of Jebel Ali in Dubai on the gray whale dead by the collision of a vessel by the apparently. Officials said yesterday that the port workers have found whales in the channel leading to the sea port. The total length of the exhibition whale extinction 12 meters and weight of nine tons. He said Ahmed Abdul Hussein, Executive Director of the environment, health and safety at the port, it will be maintained structure of the whale Britain to take advantage of it for the purposes of scientific research whales were transferred to the blower Dubai where they will be waiting for burial and then analysed by Britain Embalming restructuring. The gray whales grow to a length between 11 and 15 meters. And weighing up to 35 tons maximum. The classified International Union for the Conservation of the environment and wildlife of the north-east Pacific regions to be less danger to the gray whales .. Source:

Zinedine Zidane bunker built exclusively in Madrid and plans to draft Zizuland

Since the widely that the French soccer player Zinedine Zidane months will not renew his contract with Spanish club Real Madrid, Marseille and the people, especially the second generation of Moroccan immigrants and young Africans, who looked like the higher Egbtonh the glory and fame achieved by, wondering if «Zizu» will return to the ball after his retirement in 2007. While working player Algerian origin, married to a French Hispanics, the construction of large villas for his family in a suburb north of Madrid, equipped with means of protection and special fences to prevent intrusive photographers, the information published in the French press confirm that the player is planning to establish a project millions might be called called «Zizuland», and includes a garden of Sport and squares of the various games in his birthplace, the city of Marseille, southern France. Have been registered company to start this project, which is supervised by Zidane BROTHERS, Farid Noureddine, and were the ones who wanted, in addition to the third brother, to manage contracts and advertising investments player, which is considered one of the most expensive sports in the world despite reaching the thirty-third birthday. It is known that «Zizu», with volunteers, with the support of many charitable projects, particularly for the benefit of sick children. A great concern for his image Ckshab born to immigrant parents hard and arrived at the highest dream rights of success and fame and wealth. With humility and Zidane Hacmth came in first in the list of the most popular figures in France, overcoming the movie stars, singing and politics all .. Source:

British re-borrow a book after 60 years

The French engineer, a retired book metaphor for over sixty years and the cost is a fine of £ 30. Was Michael Taylor (78 years old) has decided to retain for himself. He described the latter in the school in 1943 mentioned something old school days, so he elected to the book «You and the universe» authored by Paul Carlson because of the school seal on the first page of the book. The re-writers meeting with his fellow veterans recently, but the headmaster did not pass it easily and imposed a fine on the book late alias .. Source:



Withdraw the beauty queen title of the Tunisian Arabs and him going to Iraq

Belle had not congratulated the Tunisian princess Ben Youssef 20 years more than 40 days beauty queen title Arabs or MEES arap which culminated in the Arab world girl contest hosted by the Sharm el-Sheikh resort in Egypt late last July, the organization withdrew contest for the title of the violations of the terms of the contract between them and the competition's organizing company headed by a woman Egyptian business Hanan victory after a decision invitation to attend a festival held recently in Morocco without obtaining permission to participate and immediately decided to give the title of Miss Arabs this year to the first Iraqi runner Claudia Hanna 21 years residing in Amman, which is operated currently tabled in the channel space Harp Jordanian and Egyptian have been just by carrying the title of second runner-Kosifh first title went to the second runner-Syrian Jumana Eid movement to change the titles announced by the end of the ceremony artistic charitable events hosted by the Jordanian capital Amman and dedicated proceeds going to benefit children with mental disabilities and those with needs Special in the Arab world and held the auspices of Sheikh Nawaf al-Qasim Agheitan governor third spinner in Jordan, which comes within a series of charity concerts, which will be participating in a number of Arab states in the coming period, in which beauty queen Arabs and Osiftaha .. Source:

Egyptian city of Luxor provide the service [Wimax] for visitors

Egyptian city of Luxor became the latest archaeological location provides service (Wimax) WiMax wireless high-speed access to the Internet are encouraging visitors to use these refinements during roaming Pharaonic temples in the city. The service put up for sale on Saturday and cover large tourist destinations including Luxor and the Temple of Luxor and the Nile Corniche, and the Winter Palace Hotel. Participated visitors and foreign journalists Chairman of the Supreme Council of Luxor's ceremony launching the service Friday night at the Temple of Luxor. The project aims funded by the United States Agency for International Development fundamentally about 3.5 million tourists visit the city annually. Solomon said Nehal a consultant for marketing proxy America, "one of the basic objectives is to change the perception among foreign Egypt, which it is confined to the country of sun, sand and temples." The project was also in Sharm el-Sheikh resort overlooking the Red Sea. The Egyptian government awarded the project to install a temporary license technical (Wimax), which allows Internet access from distances beyond comparison with the service (WiFi), which not only works near a transmitter. Competing technical (Wimax) Internet services offered by networks of the third generation of mobile phones operated by Vodafone in Egypt - Egypt and communications company in the UAE company MobiNil, which recently acquired the license for third-generation service. The users buy (Wimax) cards from retail distributors. The price of such cards start from 5 euros (6.85 dollars) for the card, which works for an hour to 15 euros for the card, which works over a full day .. Source:

The first contest to choose [nicer car] in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Ended the day before yesterday, Friday, the first contest of events "Mzaien cars" and set up in the arena "Any Rice" in Jeddah amid attend audience of young amateur amendment car in the competition had been greatly encouraged by businessmen interested in the category of young people. The head of the "time of challenge" the organization's race, Mohamed Nahdi that competition witnessed a lot of young people interested in amateur and have started to compete with the 127 cars through two "Jeddah Boys" Atusz Jeddah, which won the competition 10 cars came through the selection evaluation form outside of the car by the Arbitration Commission. For his part, Chairman of the Committee, Mohamed Jaddaoi race that the competition is an accomplishment for the youth in terms of control and removed them from the dangers of hazardous hobbies Kaltvhit reckless and leadership. He noted that the competition, which started the idea of a group of students enrolled in the Far accumulated more than 140 vehicles, including 130 participated in the competition and then reduced to 120 after the withdrawal of a number of them for technical reasons. He stressed that Jaddaoi Jury examined the car normally and runners were chosen on the basis of internal and external additions to the car. . Source:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Delete the e-mail does not mean disappearance

Washington: Rob Bigoraro * This may not seem obvious when trying hard to find an email sent to you in person last week, but it is not easy to disappear electronic message is final and can say, in many cases, that the work that is impossible। Having discovered some officials in the company «Enron» This is the hard way, a few years ago (when they are legally accountable), and it seems that people in the White House are about to discover this, after they surveyed a lot of important messages that were not supposed to delete.
Lives of confidential communications * The secret life of the e-mail is not clear through the mail programs used, as they simplify things and give the user a message can be opened and read and delete। After cleaning trash private e-mail, there is no residual impact of the message. But in normal circumstances, it is not the disappearance of the touch anything from the Japanese immediately, where the computer survey Tdelh information on the file on the hard drive, not the file itself, only after the registration of new files in the same place where the file «deleted ». Because of the large volumes of the hard disks that exist today, this may take many years. To bring the picture better, any normal book contains information on the index of this information, contains a page number there. The same thing exists in a computer, where the files, the index of places storage on the hard drive. When a user to delete the file, the computer by deleting section located in the catalogue only, not the file itself. When a user to search for the file, the computer search in the index only, and tells the user that there is no file at all. But that was long search in all «pages» book, the person will be able to know the existence of the information, and rewrite the index, which can be done in the computer using specialized software. But I need the computer to a place for the storage of new information, the registration in the same location of the information does not exist in the old index, it will scan, making retrieval task is very difficult. The same thing happens to the email Almmsouh, where it is a reference to the file that contains the mail that can be used area, or that the program is «forgotten» that message.
Specialized programmes * One existing programmes that can survey to locate the deleted file, writing in the same place repeatedly to ensure that the recovery of deleted files «Aerisr» Eraser of Računalniki working operating system or Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X, but could not do so for e-mail, given the nature The existence of messages within the database program e-mail। Because e-mail «jumps» of the device to another across the Internet, it can use specialized programs on those devices, and particularly to a user and device companies, which offer an e-mail. Even if the user mail survey, the companies searching for information can be found. Lorraine says Brian, director of product of these companies named Guidance Software Of Pasadena, that the process of finding Almmsouh email in Microsoft Outlook used by many companies and agencies, including the White House, is the process is quite easy, and anyone can recover deleted mail , but must only know how to search for him. This can retrieve all messages, even encrypted them. Some people may think that encrypting e-mail (which does not play a lot of users) is making headlines mail and on a user's secret special, but this does not encrypt the information e.mail Subject, and the title of senders and recipients of e-Addresses, in addition to the time and date sending or receiving, which can be used as evidence conclusively in the courts, that necessary. But the existence of the ability to work of this process does not necessarily mean that all companies or individuals are doing now, as the e-mail companies want to continue to work, will not likely do so, despite the ease. It may be members of the computer in your office or your company are busy at work, not to care about these things, in spite of the more than 55 (2005) using the programs to screen mail, which contains topics Non-work and those on it, in addition to counting those containing banned words or music files or pictures or movies or documents relevant to the work. The few companies that are hiring technical personnel to monitor e-staff. But this matter is different if the person has links with the world of politics or the world of justice, mail may contain confidential information and important, as is often the target of these groups quite. Therefore, when you write your e-mail, choose carefully what you type, where you do not learn from the reading of the will after you, even if you deleted it immediately!
* Sites for programmes to restore the deleted mail
Washington Post Quoting site Syria

Translated from the source

Egypt's first signatory to the Convention on the Rights of Disabled

This subject issued by:

Culmination of the efforts of the great Bazeltha organizations and bodies concerned with the rights of the disabled, were finally consolidated Convention for the rights of the disabled to combine texts scattered in their own ads and remove ambiguities raised through many long years, consolidating reference to the legal rights of the disabled in the world and Jhodathm product of the group with them and their defenders 0 Has now signed more than 80 nations of the Convention and Egypt was among the first countries to sign the Convention initiated and without any reservations which welcomes Society candles and appreciate The Assembly considers that this initiative signing big and important step towards consolidating and activating the rights of the disabled in Egypt legislative level 0 Proceeding towards the promotion and realization of the rights of disabled persons on the ground as the Assembly that this important step should be followed by a rapid pace of the start of the presentation to the People's Convention for ratification of the window not in passing legislation and working to review Egyptian legislation to clarify contravenes the Convention, and in this General effect was initiated long ago prepared a draft law social rehabilitation of disabled persons from full faith in the human rights of disabled is confirmed by the consolidated Convention finally came project consistent with the Convention, emphasizing the lead in the overall vision for the rights of the disabled, which started from the lack of separation between the rights whether civil and political or social, economic and stresses the need for the Assembly and even the inevitability of involving grassroots organizations concerned for the rights of the disabled in the next steps to create a real partnership between civil society and the State to strengthen the rights of the disabled and their active in the community to maximize the capabilities of the disabled lost so far in improving society as a whole ०

News translator

African Championship

African Championship



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

NOKIA 9210 Secret Codes

Firmware Version:

* 0000 # #

* 51x0 or # #

* 9999 # #

View serial number:

* # 92772689 #

Get IMEI code (Serial):

* # 06 #

Enhanced Full Rate (EFR):

* 3370 # to activate EFR।

# # # 3370 to disable EFR

Half Rate Mode (HFR):

* 4720 # to activate HFR।

# # # 4270 to disable HFR.

NOKIA N95 secret codes


Number IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

* 0000 # #

Firmware version and the date, type of phone and the operator Option

# # 92702689 *

Life timer (0 WAR ANTY) - Time has passed your phone to send and receive calls।

# # 62209526 *

Wireless MAC Address (M _ A C O N A L)

* 2820 # #

Bluetooth MAC address (T A B 0?)

* 7370 # #

Format telephone (R E S 0?)

* 7780 # #

Factory Reset (R S T 0?)

Note: Format restores phone to phone as if it were out of the box। Retains firmware version and operator wipes Variant changes but all applications you have installed. Not format the memory card if none of the applications it may relocate fed once again.

Another way to format certain symbian phones: Turn off your phone। Press the green button, and 3 * and hold detainees, while tension and for a few seconds afterwards.

Factory Reset resets all settings to the default values, but keeps all the applications that you have installed and photos etc। Both need the security code, which, by default, is 12345.

N95 picture viewer:

2 - Scroll up (when zoomed)

4 - Scroll left (when zoomed)

5 - Zoom (12।5% / 25% / 50%)

6 - Scroll right (when zoomed)

8 - Scroll down (when zoomed)

0 - Zoom Out

Hold down (standby):

Right selection key: Voice commands Multimedia key: Now Playing

1: Voicemail

2-9: shortcuts to the address book, you must first define

0: Web

#: Switches between the General and Silent - not compatible with all variants of operators (when writing messages will switch and the number of characters of entry when held down)

12 # (etc) paused will dial the number 12 held at the location of your address book SIM.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kiosko of Florida

Este fue kiosko created in 1820 1855, situado en el centro del parque of Florida ha sido testigo de la evolucion de Vitoria a traves de los años, ahora cumple diversas funciones; arrive en cuanto reclamo la primavera es el favorito de los Mayores, acuden a bailar un ritmo de orquesta todos los domingos, por otro lado en navidad acoge ice runway al aire libre, donde gente de todas las edades puede disfrutar del patinaje sobre hielo and observar minoritario sorprendente pero ese deporte llamado "curling." Asi que ya Friday, pese a sus años el kiosko of Florida sigue siendo a fundamental reference point in Vitoria, pasan por si aquí no dejen de visitarlo.

Most people think there is no life after bankruptcy

Most people think there is no life after bankruptcy, much less credit. If it’s the first time you have experienced bankruptcy, it is understandable. People tend to feel once they have been declared bankrupt, no creditor will look at them. That no one will have confidence in them anymore to extend credit to them. However, this is not true. You can avail of credit even after bankruptcy.Once you are declared bankrupt, whatever assets you possess will be used to cover your debts. You will be expected to start afresh as far as your earnings and savings are concerned. But did you know that you can keep your credit card even after you are declared bankruptcy.What this means as far as you are concerned is that you have access to credit through your credit card. It could happen, of course, that your card company could just find out about the bankruptcy and have your card cancelled, the way American Express does to safeguard themselves against bad debts. But many companies let you continue to keep and use your card provided you reaffirm the debt amount and this should be after you do the filing for bankruptcy. So your credit continues and it will, on condition that you take on the original amount of your debt. Is there any rationale behind this? Creditors, as is understandable, do view bankruptcy as a threat. But they also see your line of credit as their business. If they cut this off, how will they recover the money that you owe them? By using bankruptcy to exchange credit for full payment of your debt, they safeguard their own interests and do not lose out. Bankruptcy for most is wiping the slate clean and the chance to start anew. The credit companies want to be there when that happens which is why they allow you to continue using your card after bankruptcy. It is not as though there will not be consequences however. There will be conditions imposed on you by the credit card companies after bankruptcy and you will have to comply with them if you want to hold on to your card. You’ll find you have a lower limit and this is a wise precaution that any company will take as you have just proved your unworthiness as far as credit is concerned. So you will be muzzled and will not be able to spend more than you can afford to pay. Some companies make you shellout more if you want the privilege of holding on to their card. This is yet another precautionary measure by companies. So while credit after bankruptcy is hard, it’s not impossible and you can enjoy it with a few rules to rein in your Article Source:, a popular bankruptcy website that offers tips, advice and resources including information onBuying A Home After Bankruptcy and Credit After Bankruptcy.

Do you need a Quick House sale

There are many things in life that are unexpected- death, divorce and getting fired from work. People who have failed to prepare for these events often find themselves in deep financial trouble. In UK, there is a guaranteed solution to the problems created by these circumstances. With a quick house sale, you get to release the equity tied to your property, use it to pay for your debts and start all over again. To make things even more advantageous for you, this quick house sale does not require you to move out of your home. Instead of doing this, the company that buys your home can arrange for you to rent it back – allowing you to go on with your life as normally as possible. Not only this, but you will also have the option later on to buy your home back. It does not even matter whatever sell and rent back contract you will commit to since the important thing is you can enjoy a degree of financial freedom. For once, you will have no more debts to worry about and threats of repossession to deal with. Your family can continue to feel safe and secured. A quick house sale relieves you of the burden of thinking where to get the money to pay your debts and offers you the chance to catch your breath before deciding on what to do next। There will not be much disruption on you or your family’s normal routine and you would not even have to consider filing for bankruptcy. The only thing you will have to worry about is finding a company that will buy your home for a reasonable price and agree to rent it back. There are many companies that can provide you with a quick home sale. But you should be careful - there are companies or individuals who will offer their assistance to you and promise to stop repossession. Some home owners, out of desperation, will agree to sign over their property’s title and realize too late that they were scammed. Although it may sound unreal, this can actually happen. Make sure you check out the company’s credentials first and at the same time, you should educate yourself. For more information on quick house sales, you can trust Soda Estates.By: Robert Thomson
Soda Estates is a UK Property Investment Company and specialises in quick house sales helping home owners who need to sell house quick for a fast sale

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5 Steps To Build A Successful Online Affiliate Program

1. Find A Hot Profitable And Rabid MarketYour first step is to find a hot, profitable and rabid market. Finding the right market to target is critical to your success. The Market Selection ProcessThe market selection process first begins with you. Start by examining your areas of knowledge, and the things you are passionate about. The reason behind this is simple. It is easier to work in a market you enjoy and know something about.Exploring Your Market IdeasThe next step in the process is to explore the Internet to find out whether there are any existing products in your market. In order to get this big picture, you need to go where your market’s products are sold. (e.g. and Clickbank)Keyword ResearchEach time someone enters search keywords into a search engine; those searches are stored in a database. By having access to information about what people are searching for, you can improve your web site's search engine ranking, target your advertising and uncover online markets more easily. In order to do keyword research, you need a way to access the data the search engines have collected. You can do this online, from your web browser, or you can use desktop software. Google External Keyword Tool – (free) Suggestion Tool – (free) Find 3 High Converting Affiliate Programs In Your MarketThe main criterion in choosing a program is conversion rate. The higher the "gravity" number under the product title the better the product is converting. "% referred” is representing the numbers of sales for this product have been referred by affiliates. There is another reason why this information is important, and it also points to the 2nd criteria to use in selection an affiliate program. It is to make sure the merchant is NOT aggressively competing with his or her affiliates!3. Write A Review Article For One Product, And Place This Review On Your Opt-In PageThere are four reasons for writing a full-length product review that gives valuable information to your market:> Your role is to be an information provider> Giving people valuable information up front improves your credibility.> People want and need this information. Show them that you provide it, and you WILL get tons of subscribers onto your list.How To Write An Affiliate Review Article 1. Gather crucial elements for writing affiliate review from the sales page. 2. Find discussions about the product on message boards and forums. 3. Contact testimonials on the sales page to check with them about their experience with the product. 4. Contact the product owner and ask if they provide “review copies” of their product to affiliates. 4. Drive market-specific traffic to the opt-in page to build your listNow, we have to FOCUS on driving traffic (visitors) to your affiliate review opt-in page. More importantly, this traffic must be targeted, and market-specific.You'll roll this knowledge into a traffic generation campaign that utilizes:1. Articles to 'steal' search engine traffic2. Pay-per-click advertising3. Message boards and groups4. Social networking5. Blogs5. Follow Up With Your List With More InformationIn keeping with your role as an information provider, it’s crucial that you build your relationship with your list by providing as much timely, useful information as possible. The key is to always have some form of information in front of your list, especially between the 'gaps' in each autoresponder sequence, and often in the middle of an ongoing sequence.There are two ways to do this:> Insert informational emails or newsletters between autoresponder sequences, and have these messages direct subscribers over to your blog.> Use your autoresponder to broadcast 'one time' messages to your list. Anthony Chan is a full time affiliate marketer with lot of marketing experiences on the internet. To learn how to make money the easy ways even if you’ve never made a single sale on the web, please visit
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Work At Home With Affiliate Programs Advice

Work at home and make money online with affiliate programs is a phrase you see a lot on the internet. Yes it can be done but you need to know what to do and how to do it.
Here are a few pointers:
1. Find an affiliate program to promote, get yourself over to Clickbank, there are others if you search for affiliate programs in Google.
2. Buy a domain name, make sure the domain name is keyword related such as affiliate program or best affiliate program etc..., download Good keywords keyword tool (look for it on Google) and find relevant keywords to use.
3. You will need a domain name host to build your website, get over to Vodahost, their drag and drop website builder is the easiest and by the far the best I have come across, even a child can use it.
4. You will need to optimize your website ready for the search engines, download Web ceo (find it on Google), its an amazing optimization tool, it will tell you what is wrong with your site and how to fix it.
5. When your site is ready, submit it to the major search engines for their spiderbots to index your site, submit your site to Google, Yahoo and MSN.
6. Sit back and wait to see what happens with your site, whilst your waiting start looking for link partners to link to your site, this will help with getting your site ranked higher in the search engines, try Gotlinks or Freelinksdirect in Google search.
Good luck with your work at home affiliate programs business
Find genuine work at home opportunities at, here you will find the top work from home plans available on the internet today, you can start earning money today.
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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Credit After Bankruptcy

Most people think there is no life after bankruptcy, much less credit। If it’s the first time you have experienced bankruptcy, it is understandable. People tend to feel once they have been declared bankrupt, no creditor will look at them. That no one will have confidence in them anymore to extend credit to them. However, this is not true. You can avail of credit even after bankruptcy.Once you are declared bankrupt, whatever assets you possess will be used to cover your debts. You will be expected to start afresh as far as your earnings and savings are concerned. But did you know that you can keep your credit card even after you are declared bankruptcy.What this means as far as you are concerned is that you have access to credit through your credit card. It could happen, of course, that your card company could just find out about the bankruptcy and have your card cancelled, the way American Express does to safeguard themselves against bad debts. But many companies let you continue to keep and use your card provided you reaffirm the debt amount and this should be after you do the filing for bankruptcy. So your credit continues and it will, on condition that you take on the original amount of your debt. Is there any rationale behind this? Creditors, as is understandable, do view bankruptcy as a threat. But they also see your line of credit as their business. If they cut this off, how will they recover the money that you owe them? By using bankruptcy to exchange credit for full payment of your debt, they safeguard their own interests and do not lose out. Bankruptcy for most is wiping the slate clean and the chance to start anew. The credit companies want to be there when that happens which is why they allow you to continue using your card after bankruptcy. It is not as though there will not be consequences however. There will be conditions imposed on you by the credit card companies after bankruptcy and you will have to comply with them if you want to hold on to your card. You’ll find you have a lower limit and this is a wise precaution that any company will take as you have just proved your unworthiness as far as credit is concerned. So you will be muzzled and will not be able to spend more than you can afford to pay. Some companies make you shell out more if you want the privilege of holding on to their card. This is yet another precautionary measure by companies. So while credit after bankruptcy is hard, it’s not impossible and you can enjoy it with a few rules to rein in your spending., a popular bankruptcy website that offers tips, advice and resources including information on

Friday, April 11, 2008

Google Adsense Earnings May be The Best way To Make Money Online?

For the last couple of years, Google Adsense has taken control of forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous money to be made and millions made by those who are working from home. It seems that Google Adsense earnings have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now seems to be the easiest way to making money online.The key to success with Google Adsense earnings is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your website. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits. With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense earnings has become an instant hit. For some who are just new to this, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people’s services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts are is laid to rest.There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.1. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless. 2. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense earnings. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services. The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense earnings is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem “useless”.With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image. With Google Adsense earnings, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense earnings.For now, however, Google Adsense earnings is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense earnings, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.
Niche Article Directory:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

3 Ways To Make Money Off The Internet

1. Build a website on a niche subject that you know about and are interested in and write original content for it. You can make money by placing Google advertising on the web pages that you produce. When someone clicks on one of the Google adverts on your web page you make a small amount which is usually a few pence, although it can be up to a pound a click depending on what your subject matter is. Of course if you get a good stream of visitors to your site, then this may add up to a worthwhile income stream. The Google advertising program is called Google Adsense and you can find out more about how it works and join the program for free by visiting
Make sure that you place the Google Adsense adverts in prominent areas of your web pages as this will greatly increase the number of visitors clicking on your Google adverts.
2. You can also make money off your website from affiliate programs. An affiliate program is where a company will pay you a commission for a sale or a lead generated from your website. For best results it is best to put links to affiliates that sell products and services that are related to your site’s subject matter.
There are some third party companies which look after hundreds of companies affiliate programs making it easier for you to find, join and administer your affiliate programs. Three of the main ones are Commission Junction, Trade doubler and UK Affiliates. It is free to join these and they will give you access to hundreds of affiliate programs so you will be able to pick out the right affiliate programs for your website audience.
3. Set up a blog on a niche subject that interests you and write posts to it regularly and make money by placing Google Adsense ads on it and affiliate programs. This is a similar business model to building a website on a niche topic except that it easier to set up, maintain as you do not need to know how to build a website and can be done completely for free if you use a service like This is because they will host your blog for free, you just have to post regularly to your blog to produce the content that will attract your target audience.
Jose Miguel Poza is the author and if you would like to find out more about making money
online, affiliate marketing and affiliate programs please visit
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Affiliate Marketing - How To Find Affiliate Programs In Your Niche

If you are involved in affiliate marketing, it will be important that you will have your own list of affiliate products that you want to promote. Of course I am not going to tell you to promote all the affiliate products that you will find on the internet. The main thing here is that you will choose at least 2 to 3 good affiliate products that has got to do with your niche.
When you focus on just 2 or 3 good quality products, you will be able to provide to your customer a list of products that might be useful to them. Firstly you will be able to focus and secondly you will not feel too overwhelmed if you promote too many products. So where can you find affiliate programs that is in your niche?
The 1st place that you can go to is to visit affiliate program networks. These will offer you a convenient way to search for affiliate programs that is in your niche as they are often sorted into different categories. You also do not need to work about the management of your affiliate portfolio as you will only to register for one affiliate program networks and it will settle the management of your payment and different affiliate merchants. One of the best examples is Clickbank which you can register for free.
The 2nd way that you can go to is to go to Google and search for the affiliate programs. For example you are in the losing fat niche, what you will press in the Google search box will be “Lose Fat Affiliate Program”. There will be a list of affiliate programs which you can join that are related to your niche. The key thing is press “XXXX- Affiliate Program” in the search box where XXXX is to be replaced with your niche topic.
These 2 simple methods is more than enough for you to find the affiliate programs that is related to the niche that you are in. Do use your own judgment as to whether the affiliate programs is good or not as the last things that you want to happen is to promote a lousy product to your customer which will cause the customer to lose trust in you.

Zack Lim is an up and coming affiliate marketer who owns providing information on Affiliate Marketing. To get Free "7 Days to Affiliate Marketing" course, go to This article is free for republishing by visitors provided the resource link is retained
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Monday, April 7, 2008

The Art of Giving Gift Cards

Do you remember how you used to receive cards with money in them for your birthday or Christmas? Well, today that is not nearly as common a practice as it was 10 or 20 years ago. That’s because gift cards have taken over and most people feel more comfortable giving you a gift card than cash. For some reason it seems as if they are giving you more of a gift when they give you that little plastic card loaded with cash. And, that is fine for most people because gift cards mean the money won’t be spent on bills or anything else. It’s a great excuse to buy something for yourself and that is just what the giver of the gift card had in mind. All too often cash gets spent on bills, gas, or other things that just aren’t what any of us would consider a good gift!
There are some very special ways to give those little plastic cards to make them extra special. First of all you can buy a little tiny box that is made especially for gift cards that is decorated and pretty. It really looks like a designer gift box and it is the “wrapping” so to speak for the gift card. People of all ages will love to receive one of these little boxes that holds a gift card to their favorite store!
Another fun way to give gift cards as a gift includes giving a wallet with the gift card already located inside. Everyone uses wallets and receiving a wallet as a gift is always nice. However, when a gift card is conveniently located inside it makes the gift extra special!
Of course, another popular way is to buy a greeting card and include the gift card inside. Lots of greeting cards are made these days that have special little cutouts for gift cards so you can include the gift card right inside the greeting card.
There really are a lot of different ways you can give a gift card and all of them are special and will be appreciated by the recipient. The most important part however is to make sure you buy a gift card to a store the recipient loves. Don’t give a gift card to someone if the store is not located near them and always include the amount on the back of the card.
Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. For some reason it seems as if they are giving you more of a gift when they give you that little
plastic card loaded with cash. There are some very special ways to give those little plastic cards to make them extra special. First of all you can buy a little tiny box that is made especially for gift cards that is decorated and pretty.
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